Sunday, January 25, 2009

Can You Squeeze through the Needle’s Eye?

I would like to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a happy New Year (even if I am a little late in doing it). I am filled with optimism and unbridled enthusiasm as I look toward the future, a time I believe is filled with endless possibilities for each and every one of us. We launch into 2009 in the midst of a major worldwide recession, and yet my hope is undaunted. Some of the most successful businesses of the last century were started during years of economic downturn. There are niches and opportunities for entrepreneurs to grab hold of, and prosper from, especially if they are backed by the full force and anointing of Jehovah Jireh, our Great and Mighty Provider.

I plan on spending some time over the next few weeks analyzing some of those successful businesses, as well as some of the niches in today’s marketplace that could bring prosperity and abundance to those who seize it. God has blessed his children in the midst of famine and prosperity in the past, and I believe he is poised to do it once again. However, before I dive into that meaty subject, I would ask for you to bear with me as I take one more blog post to finish up my series on “Satan’s Favorite Bible Verse”. The most important aspect of analyzing Matthew 19:24 has yet to be touched upon, and I believe it’s important that we take a closer look at it.

“Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." (Matthew 19:24, NIV)
If someone were to read verse 24 by itself, and go no further in the story, it is very easy to see how they could be led to the false assumption that God wants his people to abandon the notion of prosperity and live their lives in poverty and lack. However, when you take the time to read the next 2 verses, and consider verse 24 within the context of the conversation, you will come to a far different conclusion.

Many believers hate the idea of context, because it prevents them from manipulating Scripture to say what they want it to say. But shouldn’t our ultimate goal be to seek out what God is trying to say, rather than distorting the words of the Holy Writ to push forward our own agenda and/or belief system? Let’s check out verse 24 one more time, but now in the perspective within which it rightly belongs.

“Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, ‘Who then can be saved?’ Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:24-26, NIV. Emphasis added)
To fully understand why the disciples were “greatly astonished” at Jesus’ words, you must have an understanding of more than just the literary context, but the historical context as well. During the time of Jesus’ life on earth, material wealth was considered a sign of God’s favor. Of course, there were some wealthy and influential people who were revealed by Jesus to be a “brood of vipers” and a stench in the nostrils of God. However, there were also many known by the disciples to be faithful followers of Christ who were blessed with great wealth and abundance. If these God-fearing men were unable to get into the kingdom of God, then the question must be asked, “Who then can be saved?” (Verse 25)

Jesus immediately clarifies his position with his next statement, “With man this (“this” being a rich man getting into heaven) is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Verse 26) Jesus knew the disciples’ hearts, and was encouraging them not to let their hearts be troubled over these great men of God who were rich in this present world. Faithful servants of Christ like Joseph of Arimathea (who would eventually provide Jesus’ burial tomb) and Zacchaeus (who had been radically converted), both men of great wealth, still had a place in His Kingdom because “with God” all things are possible.

The absolute life changing phrase here is “with God.” There are a lot of things that happen “with God” that wouldn’t otherwise take place. Jesus used the illustration regarding the eye of the needle to once again illustrate the awesome power of God to transform the heart of mankind. If a person’s heart & life are entangled in this world ruled by the prince of darkness and his minions, it will certainly keep them from taking up residence in Heaven. Riches often become a god to the lost and have the tendency to bring out the worst in mankind; greed, materialism, and corruption. Many become consumed with the idea of making more and building their own personal kingdoms on earth. Worldly possessions become their focus and the thirst for “More, Bigger, and Better” can never be quenched.

However “with God”, and his transforming power, the impossible now becomes possible. Those with wealth are not consumed by it, but rather use it for the good of those around them. Their financial independence affords them the opportunity to donate their time to a local church or ministry (Ephesians 4:12), give to missions and fund ministries (Phil 4:15-17), take care of the poor, orphans & widows (Acts 4:34, 35; James 1:27), provide for their own families (1 Tim 5:8), and leave an inheritance for their children’s children (Prov. 13:22). “With God” our hearts are changed and we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. “With God” there is new vision, new purpose, and new direction in our lives. “With God” money is no longer something that defiles and corrupts, but rather a tool that is used for the purposes of God and his Kingdom. With God, with God, with God!!!! Hallelujah!!!

That’s what Jesus was saying! That’s the power of context! How much clearer could Jesus be in this passage of Scripture? And yet many Christians have excused their own poverty for years by standing on verse 24 alone, as if it’s some kind of badge of honor to be broke, busted and disgusted.

That’s why I believe this is by far one of the devil’s favorite Bible verses. He probably has a cross-stitched version of the verse framed over his rocking chair in Hell. He would love for us to believe that God wants us poor. The emptier our wallets are, the more effective his kingdom of darkness remains. The wealth of the wicked may very well be laid up for the righteous, but if the devil can keep us from taking action to lay hold of it, he has that much more money to do his evil bidding.

For this new year of 2009, I pray now more than ever that God would give you a healthy view of wealth, prosperity, and abundance. I believe that a mighty deluge of His “power to create wealth” will overtake you this year! I pray that your mind and spirit will receive numerous God ideas and inventions, as well as the creativity and ingenuity to market and sell them for profit. I pray that the business idea that has been placed inside of you, that may have become dormant in recent years, COME ALIVE IN JESUS’ HOLY NAME!

I promise to continue doing my part to inspire, motivate, and equip you in the coming year to pursue your God-given dreams and visions. I look forward to the stream of testimonials that will flow into my e-mail box in the coming months. Until next week, be blessed…


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed this article and I tuly receive the word you spoke over us in prayer! God bless you...hope to be added to your email list!

Carl Courtney said...

Thank you for this blog it really helped me. It really encouraged me to move forward with my idea. Please keep going with the wisdom God has given you.

Matt Robinson said...

Thank you both for your comments. I am extremely blessed to know that my words had a positive impact on your life.