Being a mom is certainly no easy job. Helping kids get up, dressed, fed, and off to school is just the very beginning. Most moms also have the unenviable task of preparing a dinner, helping with homework, and getting the kids back off to bed so as to start the whole process over again. Of course when you have a terrific husband like myself, the load is a little easier to handle, but still an exhausting task nonetheless.
However, the responsibilities of a mother should never be used as an excuse to not pursue her dreams. Whether a mother has a passion for business, ministry, or philanthropy, her goals should never be shelved or put on hold for anything or anyone. Moms should be given the same opportunity for achieving greatness in their life as anyone else.
I recently ran across this article about Billionaire Moms, and a number of these massive fortunes were self-made by hard-working, high-achieving, maternal superstars. I hope all the mothers out there find inspiration and a new sense of desire as you read about the tremendous achievements of these super-moms!
However, the responsibilities of a mother should never be used as an excuse to not pursue her dreams. Whether a mother has a passion for business, ministry, or philanthropy, her goals should never be shelved or put on hold for anything or anyone. Moms should be given the same opportunity for achieving greatness in their life as anyone else.
I recently ran across this article about Billionaire Moms, and a number of these massive fortunes were self-made by hard-working, high-achieving, maternal superstars. I hope all the mothers out there find inspiration and a new sense of desire as you read about the tremendous achievements of these super-moms!
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