When I was in high school, one of my greatest passions was the pole vault. My grandfather had jumped back in the days of bamboo poles and landing areas filled with sand, and apparently the desire to launch yourself into the air is hereditary. When I was too young to jump myself, I had the opportunity to watch my older brother compete in high school meets. I enjoyed those days, but watching alone was simply not able to fufill the longing inside.
After years of waiting impatiently, I finally hit my high school years and it was my turn to try out for the track team. I was originally told by the track coach that I was "too small" to compete in the pole vault. Apparently 4 feet, 10 inches and 92 pounds (soaking wet) is not the ideal body type for such an event. However, rather than letting his negative assessment discourage me, I turned the coach's words into fuel to ignite my pursuit to be successful in the sport that I had grown to love.
I eventually went on to win the section championship, made the front page of the sports section, and earned an athletic scholarship to Oral Roberts University where I was 2nd team all-conference in my 1st year. But this post isn't about me....OK, so it's totally about me, but indulge this has-been for just a second.
The pole vault is an intricate collection of motions that when done properly can help elevate you to extraordinary heights. There are a lot of parallels between the different steps in a successful vault and achievement in the business world. Over the next few blog posts, I'm going to share a few of those powerful business lessons with you. But before I do, if you've never actually seen someone pole vault, watch this very brief video so you get an idea of what I'm talking about.
1. Make sure you're on the right track
If you've ever been to a track meet, you've undoubtedly noticed that there are numerous events going on at the same time. At one end of the field you will have the high jumpers competing, and perhaps a long distance race or sprint event will be happening on the oval track itself. At the opposite end of the field you will have the pole vaulters and long jumpers often competing right next to each other, and many times there is a competition going on between javelin or discus throwers in a totally seperate area.
If you decide to pole vault, you had better make sure that you are on the right runway, because each area is specifically designed for its unique purpose. Only the pole vault area has a metal plant box in the ground for the pole to land in, as well as a very large set of mats for you to land on when you get done falling from 16 feet or more. If you're not on the right track, moving in the right direction, the results could be disastrous.
This is also true when it comes to your entrepreneurial endeavors. If you make a decision early on to move in a certain direction, and it's not really the plan that God has for you, the results can be less than ideal. The business world has a warning that "When you're climbing the corporate ladder, make sure that it's leaning against the right wall." You would hate to get to the pinnacle of what those around you consider succes, only to realize that it's not where you wanted to be.
The same wise advice applies to entrepreneurs and small business owners. When you start a new business, make sure you have a deep passion for the product you will be selling or the service that you will be providing. All too often, entrepreneurs will join a partnership, or open a business or franchise based solely on the potential profits. It's not until many years and many thousands of dollars later they realize that they absolutely despise what they're doing.
Everyone has that thing deep down inside of them that they know they were called to do. Your eyes light up and your heart burns every time you stop to think about it. For me, it's raising up and equipping Christian entrepreneurs. For you, it's something totally different. Whatever it is, put your efforts and energy towards learning how to help others through your passion, and monetize it for your own financial gain and security. It's there in that place that you will find true fulfillment as an entrepreneur in God's great Kingdom. What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear what you have to say on the topic. Let me know by commenting below. And stay tuned to this blog or your e-mail box for part 2 of "Vaulting Towards Success".